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Group Āyurvedic Cleanse

Scrub your digestive tract, strengthen your metabolism and support healthy lymphatic flow with a cleanse personalized for your unique needs and goals. This is not a juice cleanse or fasting.  The idea is to scrub and detox your body then rebuild your digestive fire (agni) in a healthy a comfortable way with the support of your Āyurvedic Practitioner and the friends of your choosing.  No stress, no hunger. A cleanse might be right for you if you are experiencing any of the following: Gas/bloating after meals Food sensitivities Burning indigestion Sluggish digestion Sleepy after eating Joint Pain Irritability, melancholy Feeling tired, brain fog, lethargic Put together your own group of 5-10 people.  $699/person includes: Five 30-Minute Virtual Group Meetings to keep you informed and on track throughout each of the 4 phases of the cleanse. Cleanse Guide PDF with Food Lists and Kitchari Recipe. Full Access to the Video Library for 30 Days. Cleanse Kit (which includes: Basmati Rice, Split Yellow Mung Dal, Kitchari Spice Mix, CCF Tea Detox Digest, 1 Jar Organic Ghee, 3 bottles of Triphala Tablets, 3 bottles of Sweet Ease Tablets, 3 bottles of Turmeric Tablets, 3 bottles of Vata/Pitta/Kapha Digest (depending on your unique needs), 12 oz bottle of Vata/Pitta/Kapha Massage (Abhyanga) Oil, 8 oz bottle of Daily Swish, Tongue Cleaner, Nasya Oil, 1 bottle of Total Body Cleanse Tablets.  These herbs have been carefully picked to give you the most detoxifying and stress-free cleanse possible.) Cleansing is not recommended if: You are pregnant or nursing You have had major surgery in the last 8 weeks You have (or suspect you have) an eating disorder You are severely depleted  You are under age 16  Please talk to me for a full and complete list of contraindications.  

$699.00 USD

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